




A determination on the claim submitted by XXXXXXXX has been made (the “Claim Determination”). You may review the Claim Determination by clicking the following link and logging into the Receiver’s Claim Determination Portal using the User ID and Password you selected when you filed your claim:

You must take further action in order to have your Claim allowed and to receive a distribution on account of your Claim.

In order to accept the Claim Determination, please log in to the Claim Determination Portal and click the linked button provided in your Claim Determination that states that you accept the Claim Determination. Please follow the instructions provided to complete your approval of the Claim Determination.

Please take notice that you have until 11:59pm (Prevailing Eastern Time) 30 days after the date of this Notice to object to the Claim Determination. Failure to timely object to the Claim Determination will be treated as an acceptance of the Claim Determination.
In order to object to the Claim Determination, you must log in to the Claim Determination Portal and click the linked button provided in your Claim Determination that states that you intend to object to the Claim Determination. You will then be provided instructions on how to object to the Claim Determination. All objections must include: (1) the claim number(s) for your Claim Determination that you are objecting to; (2) a detailed statement of the reasons for your objection to the Claim Determination, including specific references to document(s) supporting your claim calculation; (3) copies of any document(s) that you rely upon that were not previously uploaded as part of your claim; and (4) information on how to contact you by regular mail, phone, and electronic mail.





請注意! 必須在收信後的30日內完成填表動作,否則視同放棄爭取退款!





1. 在ZEEK領過的錢大於投入的錢。針對這批人,很有可能接下來會收到追回款項的要求!

2. 這只是首批(約75000份)確認名單,還有很多人的資料還在審核當中。沒收到信不代表退款要求無效。有些人的資料有問題,後續可能還會接到官方的一些通知。總之,密切注意信箱吧。


所有退款相關信件會從  信箱發出,請記得將此信箱加入白名單!



    創作者 牛.瑪利亞 的頭像


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